Term & Conditions
There are 2 types of Shipping Methods through which you can get delivery from our webpage.
- Express Service - 4-5 Days Delivery Nationwide (Paid Delivery )
- Courier Service - 4-5 Days Nationwide (Paid Delivery)
Express Service
- All Cash on Delivery Orders will be through Express Service Only. Buyers who purchase through Credit/Debit Card or Bank Deposit can also avail this service.
- There is an associated shipment cost for this delivery depending on the appliances model/size you purchase and the city in which you require delivery. This amount will be conveyed to you before checkout
- Order Cutoff Time is 1pm after which the order will be considered to be generated in the next day.
- Cash on Delivery Amounts Policy is applicable on all orders.
Courier Service
- This Shipment is available for Card Payment or Bank Deposit Customers Only.
- Paid Delivery
- Approximate Shipping Time is 4-5 Days.
Re-Fund Policy
- Tax (if applicable) is refunded with returns
- Original shipping and handling charges aren’t refunded
- If the payment was made by Credit/Debit card or Online Banking, we will refund the money in your Credit/Debit Card or Online-Banking account. Cash on Delivery (COD) amount will refund to the customer provided the account
- Typically, refunds are processed in between 7-21 working days for credit cards, debit cards, and 6-8 working days for COD and online banking orders