safety Tips

Check The Power Cords
Make sure all wires, cords and plugs on your appliances are not frayed and that the plugs have 3-prong grounded connections. This would include coffee makers, toasters, blenders, microwaves, mixers, etc. Unplug all the electrical appliances and devices after use to ensure that they are not switched ON accidentally. Even unplug the appliances that have the auto-shut feature.
Avoid extension cords in the kitchen
Do not plug all your heavy household electrical appliances in one power outlet or socket. This can lead to the over loading of the outlet, leading to burning of wires i.e. do not use multi pin socket and plug air conditioner, Geyser, Computer in only one socket!

Check Your Home Earthing
All large electrical appliances like AC, refrigerator, washing machine etc. should be plugged-in using three pin plug where the third pin has to be earthed properly.
Store your meat at the bottom shelf
Store raw meat, poultry and seafood on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in pans so juices don’t drip onto other foods.

Store vegetable in sealed lids
Store your vegetables in containers with tightly sealed lids.Better yet, wash them thoroughly and prep them for the week before they go into the fridge and you’ll find most of your prep work done when dinnertime rolls around on a busy week night.
Don’t Cover Your Hot Appliances
Never cover your any electrical appliances that heat up on using like iron or heater. Always keep them at well ventilated place to cool them down.

Switch OFF When Spark
Immediately switch off the power supply to the appliance in case of sparking or shock. Call professional for your home electrical repair. Reuse them, once they are repaired!
Take extra care when using sharp blades
Be sure appliances are unplugged before touching sharp edges (blenders, can openers, mixers, etc.)

Keep Your Household Electricals Out of Waterlogged Area
Never keep your electrical devices near any water source. Make sure your water decor items are far from your electrical appliances. Always be careful while using a washing machine, small portable fountain etc. which uses both water and electricity in your home.
Disconnect the power source while accessing panels.
Please be sure to disconnect all electrical power to the unit before you remove any of the access panels or attempt to perform any maintenance procedures. Always remember that there may be more than one power connection switch. If you are unsure about this do not attempt to perform any procedure. Instead get a professional to assist you. Be very careful when you handle parts or reach into units. Many of the metal parts and housings have very sharp edges which can cause severe injury